About this location

LocationBirmingham aims to continue attracting Production Companies, Directors, Producers and media professionals to film in the Midlands area.  Our team have over 30 years experience of working in the Midlands on major Film and TV series.


REF: 112

TYPE: Historical House

LOCATION: Within one hour drive of Birmingham New Street Station

ABOUT:  Medieval Manor House. The great hall dates from the 1270s and there are also the kitchen block, plus 2 solar wings (private spaces for the lord’s family) and a later gatehouse built in the 1500s. The great hall is furnished with replica furniture as it may have looked in the 1400s as is the kitchen but other rooms remain unfurnished. The house is set in its own grounds.

CONTACT: For more information on this property call our team on 07712 434 978 or [email protected]


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This can be simply be done my emailing us at [email protected] with a brief description of your property.  A member of our team will then call you back.

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