Please Select Your Profile / Listing Type

Choose your profile / listing type below and on the following page you can select your chosen package. We offer free basic listings and professional memberships for greater exposure.

If you do not already have an account, you will have to complete the Register process on the following page.

Your listing will be reviewed by our team prior to being published. If successful you'll then be invited to join the relevant Crew Birmingham Facebook group. For more information please read our FAQs.

Choose a Package


Pricing plan image

£40 / year

Add your location, with Gallery, Description, Logo and contact details. £40 per year, per location.

CREW Criteria

New Talent Criteria

Facilities Criteria

For more detail you can view our membership page.

Locations Criteria

Facebook Groups and Benefits

All crew memberships (including basic) include access to the relevant Crew Birmingham Facebook Group, giving you the following benefits...

Job Opportunities

Exclusive visibility of job opportunities via the closed Facebook groups


Unlimited networking on your local Facebook group with like minded members

News & Events

Access to the latest local TV and film industry news and events

Help & Advice

Help and advice from local Crew members, its a thriving community